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What is Drama Lab


The mission of DramaLab is to foster and sustain a community of playwrights dedicated to developing theatrical works through feedback, meetings, workshops, and other activities.

un laberinto en un jardin naranja sinuos

The playwrights have free access to all the DramaLab meetings, and they are encouraged to attend as many as possible.  Playwrights pick times to have their material read in the group, with all writers having equal opportunity to access times.  

Playwrights assign characters and stage directions but do not read their own material to allow them to listen to it.  Each reading will get a minimum of feedback time equal to the length of the piece.

The group meets at least twice a month and will make a strong effort to accommodate the majority of the group members.

Who is DramaLab

When, Where, How

A room where writers meet to create, a bit dark, we see only their hands and back of heads

When: Twice a month minimum--check our calendar

Where: In Teatro Bicho - C. de Ricardo del Arco, 8, 50015 Zaragoza, Spain

How: Write to us if you are interested in joining us.

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and we’ll get back to you shortly.

Thanks for submitting!

Readings And Productions

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